Out most days for the children to climb and play on. We also put out the Gym Equipment or Bats and Balls once a week.
Colour sorting
We encourage the children to explore shapes and colours and to match them up according to shape, colour or size.
We have two computers that we fundraised for, that the children have access on a weekly bases.
Craft activity
Adult led craft activity takes place a couple of times a week. The children are all encouraged to do it at least once a week. today we are making Kites and learning about triangles. Chalkboard Ned is helping out today.
Dolls and ironing
We have a large selection of dolls with pushchairs and baby carriers. We have baby baths and clothes to dress the dolls. We can also iron the dolls clothes. All good role play experience
Firework pictures
The children really enjoy getting messy when we do our firework splatter pictures.
Growing sunflowers
Every spring we learn about growing. We look at how the children have grown as well as growing cress and sunflowers. The children take sunflowers home and help us to look after the sunflowers we plant in the garden.
Gym equipment
We set this out differently each time to test the childrens balance and co-ordination skills.
Hairdressers role play
Handprint tree
We like to make trees in the autumn and spring made of the childens handprints.
Home corner
We have a home corner for the children to play and explore. We mainly have wooden toys and the home corner is also swapped for a shop full of fruit and veg.
Loose parts and wooden toys
We have a lot of wooden toys at pre-school. So everyday the children will have a selection of wooden toys or loose parts to play with, which encouraged open ended play and allows the children to use their imaginations and make up stories about what they are doing.
Maths corner
The math table is changed daily and we have lots of wooden holistic toys to help us with our math and numbers, shape recognition as well as sorting and matching.
Mosaic patterns
The children use their imagination to make their own pictures or they can copy one from the cards.
We have wooden Ned's as the toy on each table at snack time. The children enjoying giving Ned the robot a cuddle after they have answered the register. The children like Ned and will take one off to play with and then return them to the Ned shelf when they have finished playing with them.
Outside play area
We have our own fenced outdoor play area, directly outside the hall. We have bikes and scooters, ball, ropes, chalks, ribbons and a whole host of other equipment. We also set up small world play in the garden
Painting easel
We have the easel out every day for the children to be creative with the paints.
Pet shop
During pet week we create a pet shop for the children to play and explore. We also have pets come into visit, like cats, dogs, rats, rabbits and a tortoise.
We all love a rainbow
Releasing butterflies
We go outside to release the butterflies we have watched grow from caterpillars into Painted Lady Butterflies.
During Covid 19 lock down we hung ribbons in the tree and the children enjoyed watching them blow in the breeze as well as jumping and trying to catch one in their hand.
Small climbing frame
As well as the large climbing frame we also have a small A frame with wobbly ladder and a slide for the younger children. the slide can also turn over and be used as ball run.
Story sacks
In the Autumn term we have a couple of weeks when we look at story sacks and we have made our own and we share these stories with the children. This was our display for Stickman
Turn taking games
We learn about turn taking and this is done through games. Here we are playing a version of pin the tail on the donkey, the children are actually pinning the rainbow on the Ned.